Parklands Signage Update
It’s been a loooong time coming but the signage for Parklands is currently being printed and will soon be delivered and installed.
The two big maps at both the Radar Hill Road and Atkinson road side of the park are being updated to include the new trails. There will be maps installed at the junction above Double Dab and the intersection where Rock’n’roll and Rock-a-dial meet the fire road. There will also be maps at the top of Phoenix and at the skills park.
Additionally all those old map signs that only showed the fire roads are being replaced with new maps that also show the single-tracks.
We are also getting some extra icons printed up so Rookie Road, Lush, Taser and Blue Tongue can be properly signed. Also we will get some “No Entry”, “Give way” and extra directional arrows for problem intersections. So expect some trail care days to be called to get these posts and icons finally installed.
Thanks to Ranger Eugene and QPWS for all their help and also thanks to Richard Berry the original map designer. Thanks as well to all the club members and volunteers who, many years ago, advocated for a Sunshine Coast Trails Alliance (SCTA) for the repairing and building of trails across the Sunshine Coast (including the new trails recently built in Parklands).